A Jew son

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A Jew said to his son: Go, take the deal, then he went, the boy passed through the way that his eyes were seen on the Holy Prophet and the Prophet (saw) saw the boy sitting there, sitting there. He was sitting there and sat down. He never came out to go out where the boy lived, whether not yet, the sun rose, and the west was prayed, went home to the evening father said: Hey, A. Ni late? The father is very angry that he is very insane and crazy. I told you that you came so early and sent you to buy a business, where have you returned empty hands, where is the deal? Where is the deal? Son said: The deal has been bought. Bap: Are you a madman? I sent you to buy a deal, you do not have the deal, and I have been purchased. It says: Baba! Be sure to buy a deal. I said, "Where are you showing?" The son said: "If I had an eye with you, I would show you what my business is!" My son What should I tell you, what kind of deal I have bought? The father said, "Let me go away," he said, "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said," I was the only begotten son of the Jews. Did not say, a few days later the boy got sick, quite a day was sick, it was so sick that it was difficult to get enough, and then it became difficult, the Jewish was very upset, then ran away I said to you, "I have come to you, you know that I am not a liar, but my boy has given you heart, and it is nearer to you." Remembering the day, what would you like to see in your enemy's house and look after your devotee, Ashok? Will it be fulfilled that you should stand before the dead before death? He did not intend anything else. You did not say that I will go or will not go. You said: Abu Bakr! Wake up, age! Wake up, Ali! Come on, Usman! Come, whatever else is there, let us care for your lover, give it to your heart. The last moment, we want to give something to us before closing eyes, let's go, the Jews came to the house, the eyes of the boy were closed, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) The eyes of the boy were opened, as the life returned, strengthened in the body, strengthened in ignorance, opened eyes, looked at Mustafa's face, smile on the face of the face, opened the lips, smiled. F Maya: That's it! Now read the word. When the boy started thinking of his father, he said, "What is my mouth?" The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Do you know what you are saying?" He said, "O Messenger of Allah!" It is my duty to take Paradise, it is my job. The boy read the word, when his mouth came out, "Muhammad Rasulullah" the soul came out, the light of the light went in, the eyes closed, the lips were silent, The boy's father said the Jews: Muhammad!) (Prophet (I) and you It is both opponents, therefore this boy is no longer mine, now it is the sacred trust of Islam. Kashisha O Prophet of the Prophets arose its funeral, then he is respected, take him. Then you said: Sadiq Pick up, Omar! Pick up, Usman! Next, Bilal! Come on, Ali, let's go to two shoulders, pick up all, and when he came out of the house of the Jews, he was going to say: Thank God! Forgive this servant from my gratitude, thank God, who has given me Ray gave the sake of the person) who does akbar! What will be the place where the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "I am going to give birth to celebrities like Ali, Uthman, Abu Bakr Siddique, Umar bin Khattab, Bilal Habibi, The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said," The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) Do not keep the feet happy After a long time, when the Prophet came out of the tomb, there was a little yellow on the face, but felt felt,) Allah is the Most Beneficent (the companion asks: Holy Prophet! What is this matter? Why do not you keep the feet happy, why do you keep walking on the pulp? So the creator said, "The angels who were inside the tomb were coming, so I used to have a place where I got a place. There was no place in me I would like to know that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "O Messenger of Allah!" ! If you do not know what you are doing, then you will not be able to do it. I am tired because of them.: 1 Sunnah Abu Dawood: Volume 3, / p.36, / hadeeth: 3095, 2: Ahmad ibn Hanbal: Volume 3: / p. 175 , / Hadith: 12815, Hafiz Ibn
Multi: Ibn Kathir 4, per commentary
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